Thông báo tuyển sinh Thạc sỹ Toán ứng dụng Pháp - Việt khóa 2023 - Thời gian nộp hồ sơ từ 15/5/2023 đến 30/5/2023 - Xem thêm

Title: Dynamics of a species under climate change : PDE and stochastic models

Title: Dynamics of a species under climate change : PDE and stochastic models

Speaker: Prof. Raoul Gaël

Centre de Mathematiques Appliquees, Ecole Polytechnique, France



9h-10h morning, on Friday, 17/06/2022


Room F207, University of Science, Address: 227 Nguyễn Văn Cừ, phường 4, quận 5, HCM.


Natural populations live in a heterogeneous environment and tend to adapt their phenotypes to their local environment. To describe the dynamics of such populations, we need to describe both the spatial and phenotypic structure of the population. We obtain then a non-local parabolic equation of Fisher-KPP type. We describe the dynamics of solutions (travelling waves), and discuss the impact of the parameters. Real environments are highly heterogeneous and the PDE models quickly show their limits: for large spatial scales, these models introduce artefacts and it is necessary to connect them to stochastic Individual-Based Models to describe accurately the effect of complex environments. We use this connection to derive a simple model for the dynamics of a population's range that could be used to build useful numerical prediction tools for biologists.


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