Thông báo tuyển sinh Thạc sỹ Toán ứng dụng Pháp - Việt khóa 2023 - Thời gian nộp hồ sơ từ 15/5/2023 đến 30/5/2023 - Xem thêm


Seminar: "Fast Augmented Lagrangian Method in continuous and discrete setting'



Người trình bày: Nguyễn Đăng Khoa, đang làm postdoc tại University of Vienna (cựu sinh viên khóa 2015)

Nội dung báo cáo:

We approach the minimization of a continuously differentiable convex
function under linear equality constraints by a second-order dynamical
system with asymptotically vanishing damping term. The system is
formulated in terms of the augmented Lagrangian associated to the
minimization problem. We show fast convergence of the primal-dual gap,
the feasibility measure, and the objective function value along the
generated trajectories. In case the objective function has Lipschitz
continuous gradient, we show that the primal-dual trajectory
asymptotically weakly converges to a primal-dual optimal solution of the
underlying minimization problem. The proposed inertial algorithm results
from the discretization of the second-order primal-dual dynamical


Địa điểm: Phòng F207. Sáng 9h ngày 23/9/2022.

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